Monday, March 13, 2006

Underground Fence - Day 2

Things have calmed down a bit today. I'm now brave enough to venture out a little ways into the back yard to do my business and then quickly head back onto the deck. Dad's a bit put out with me as I take off when I see either one of the collars now. Mom made a quick trip to Walmart so I could get back to munching my Iam's in hopes there will be no more barfing.

We decided to work on a brand new trick tonight: rolling over. It currently requires being physically rolled over but at least I get the treat. Mom's determined, though, so I'm sure we'll be at it again tomorrow. Mom's having a jolly good time reading a British novel, Asking for Trouble by Elizabeth Young, so you might notice a slightly different tone in the writing. I usually park myself on a sofa pillow on her lap while she reads in the evening. Yes, of course, there's an important dog character in the book by the name of Benjy.

It's late - gotta' run to the loo for a drink of water and then off to bed with Dad.

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