Friday, November 17, 2006

Bad Law in China

Have you read about the horrors that are happening to dogs in some Chinese provinces? The government has initiated a one-dog rule due to an increase in rabies cases. Only 3% of dogs in China are vaccinated for rabies.

Here's the story in Yahoo. Dog owners like Loke, in the story, have been scrambling to hide their pets in the face of a new crackdown which allows only one dog per household and bans breeds taller than 14 inches. In our newspaper, on Wednesday, a Fox Terrier named Ding Ding was included with the story. If you play the Yahoo slide show you will see three photos of Ding Ding (numbers 23, 24 and 25). We feel so bad for those owners that have to give away the pets that they love, or worse, see them taken by the police.


Anonymous said...

I can't think about what will happen to those dogs....

Bussie Kissies

T-man Angel said...

That's so terrible!! It makes my mom want to cry thinking about those poor doggies and their humans.